Nilay Lad

Chief Product & Revenue Officer

Problem Solver and Strategist with 15+ years of experience within FTE 100 institutions in North America and Europe.

On two separate occasions, I was privileged to have been involved in the leadership teams that launched financial institutions in the UK.
Led the development and digitalization of end-to-end deposit and lending applications within the UK and in Canada.
Delivered innovation and change within 2 Canadian banks, driving incremental improvement to sales conversion, embracing digitization, reducing sales leakage, and delivering growth within lending, payments, and deposit propositions.
I am a thought leader:

Who enjoys solving problems in a way that helps the group grow and remain compliant for the long term.
Who thrives to understand my team’s career objectives and assist in their growth and development.
Who is focused on seeing the group succeed versus requiring personal recognition.
Who believes that life balance is critical to maintaining a healthy work environment.
Who believes that customer-centric strategies drive long-term sustainability, growth, & brand loyalty.
Who holds a reputation for driving and delivering, especially within complex environments.
Who is known to be open, honest, and invests time to lead a forward-thinking team.

All Sessions by Nilay Lad

Printer Friendly See 2024 Agenda

Day 1: Jun 6, 2023

Day 2: Jun 7, 2023